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Acceptance & Choice
Acceptance & Choices
Office Hours informations
Introduction about me
How I perceive my Partner
Quiz | How I perceive my Partner
Banging my head against a wall
Quiz | Banging my head against a wall
Cost & benefit analysis
Quiz | Cost & benefit analysis
Who am I in the relationship?
Quiz | Who am I in the relationship?
Projecting my own wall
Quiz | Projecting my own wall
Accepting the wall
Quiz | Accepting the wall
Communication & next steps
Quiz | Communication & next steps
The conversation
Quiz | The conversation
In completion
Quiz | How I perceive my Partner
What are the qualities I love about my partner?
(up to 1,200 characters)
What are the qualities I don't like about them?
(up to 1,200 characters)
How do I wish they were different?
(up to 1,200 characters)
What would I never want them to change?
(up to 1,200 characters)
What do I need that I am not getting?
(up to 1,200 characters)
How does my partner fulfill my needs?
(up to 1,200 characters)
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